På andra sidan floden Vilnia, i hjärtat av Litauens huvudstad Vilnius, ligger republiken Uzupis.
Ett vackert låtsasland med egen president och egen konstitution.
Det påminner en aning om Christiania, fast utan trista Pusher Street...
Kärlek... Jag tror jag fyttar hit :)
Uzupis konstitution:
Ett vackert låtsasland med egen president och egen konstitution.
Det påminner en aning om Christiania, fast utan trista Pusher Street...
Kärlek... Jag tror jag fyttar hit :)
Uzupis konstitution:
Everyone has the right to live by the River Vilnelė, while the River Vilnelė has the right to flow by everyone.
Everyone has the right to hot water, heating in winter and a tiled roof.
Everyone has the right to die, but it is not a duty.
Everyone has the right to make mistakes.
Everyone has the right to individuality.
Everyone has the right to love.
Everyone has the right to be not loved, but not necessarily.
Everyone has the right not to be distinguished and famous.
Everyone has the right to be idle.
Everyone has the right to love and take care of a cat.
Everyone has the right to look after a dog till one or the other dies.
A dog has the right to be a dog.
A cat is not obliged to love its master, but it must help him in difficult times.
Everyone has the right to sometimes be unaware of his duties.
Everyone has the right to be in doubt, but this is not a duty.
Everyone has the right to be happy.
Everyone has the right to be unhappy.
Everyone has the right to be silent.
Everyone has the right to have faith.
No one has the right to violence.
Everyone has the right to realize his negligibility and magnificence.
Everyone has the right to encroach upon eternity.
Everyone has the right to understand.
Everyone has the right to understand nothing.
Everyone has the right to be of various nationalities.
Everyone has the right to celebrate or not to celebrate his birthday.
Everyone shall remember his name.
Everyone may share what he possesses.
No-one can share what he does not possess.
Everyone has the right to have brothers, sisters and parents.
Everyone is capable of independence.
Everyone is responsible for his freedom.
Everyone has the right to cry.
Everyone has the right to be misunderstood.
No-one has the right to make another person guilty.
Everyone has the right to be personal.
Everyone has the right to have no rights.
Everyone has the right to not be afraid.
Do not defeat.
Do not fight back.
Do not surrender.

jag gillade verkligen konstitutionen Jörgen! tack
SvaraRaderaFlyg hem säkert nu:-)
Visst är det en fantastisk tanke? En intressant liten republik i en för övrigt fantastisk stad. Ligger hemma i soffan med Dylan nu efter en lång, lång vecka.
SvaraRaderaTrevlig helg...